Principal Investigator

Hyungjun Kim, Ph.D (김형준)
Professor, Department of Chemistry, KAIST
Office: Basic science building (기초과학동) E6-6 #506
Phone: +82-42-350-2836
PhD in Chemistry (Minor: Physics), Caltech
Thesis: Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Framework for Nano- and Bio-systems
Supervisor: Prof. William A. Goddard, III
BS in Chemistry, KAIST
Supervisor: Prof. Eok Kyun Lee
Professional Experience
Professor, Department of Chemistry, KAIST
Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Caltech
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, KAIST
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Energy, Environment, Water, Sustainability (EEWS), KAIST
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Energy, Environment, Water, Sustainability (EEWS), KAIST
External Consultant of Material Science Suite, Schrodinger Company
Senior Researcher, Institute of Applied Science, KAIST
Graduate Researcher Associate, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), NASA
Awards & Honors
Editorial advisory board member, JACS Au, 2021-
Physical chemistry division award for young researchers, Korean Chemical Society (KCS), 2021
Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology (Y-KAST) member, 2021
Best teaching award, Department of Chemistry, KAIST, 2021
Best teaching award, College of Natural Science, KAIST, 2020
Humantech paper award for supervisor (student: Minho Kim), Gold medal in Basic science and technology division, Samsung, 2019
Dissertation of the Year for supervisor (student: Hyeyoung Shin), Grand (1st) prize in Chemistry division, S-oil and Korea Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), 2016
Humantech paper award for supervisor (student: Hyeyoung Shin), Silver medal in Basic science and technology division, Samsung, 2016
Environmental energy chemistry division award for young researchers, Korean Chemical Society (KCS), 2016
Faculty award in commemoration of the 45th anniversary of founding (Joint research), KAIST, 2016
TJ Park science fellowship, Chemistry division, POSCO foundation, 2016
Best research award, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), 2014
EWon assistant professor (titled professorship for assistant professors), KAIST, 2014
Herbert Newby McCoy Award (Chemistry Best thesis award), Department of Chemistry, Caltech, 2010
Springer best thesis award, Springer Publishing Company, 2010